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Professional Service

Throughout my academic career, I have worked generously in service to students, my department, the university, and the profession. Currently (2024), I serve as the Parliamentarian for the Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS). I also serve on the SWS Presidential team.


​Extra-University (selected)

06/2024-         Presidential Team, Sociologists for Women in Society (3-member team)

05/20-01/26    Parliamentarian, Sociologists for Women in Society.

2023-24           Member, Sociologists for Women in Society President’s Program Committee.

2022-23           Member, Society for the Study of Social Problems President’s Program Committee.

2021-2022       Kathleen S. Lowney Mentoring Award Committee, Society for the Study of Social                                              Problems (appointed by President-elect). Will serve as Chair for 2022-2023.

2021-22           NSF/SBE - Trans-Atlantic Platform Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post Pandemic

                        World (T-AP RRR) funding opportunity.

2020-21           NSF Reviewer.

Fall 2020         External Reviewer, Sociology Department, University of Oklahoma.

10/19-05/22    State Co-Director, American Council on Education-Women's Network of Indiana (ACE-WN-                             IN) (Elected by Board).

See CV for additional service items.



​I have held elected office and also appointed to positions in professional organizations and international agencies. I have held elected offices in the Sociologists for Women in Society and in the American Sociological Association. I was elected, in national elections, as Secretary/Treasurer and Council Member of the Sex and Gender Section of the American Sociological Association and the Treasurer of Sociologists for Women in Society. In 2022-23 I served on the Society for the Study of Social Problems President's program Committee; and in 2023-24, I'm serving on the Sociologists for Women in Society President's program committee.


I have served on committees of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP): as member of the Global Division Book Award committee (2015-16); as member of the Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Scholarship Committee (2008-09), and as Chair of the Lee Scholar-Activist Support Fund (2006-07). Currently, I am an associate editor for Social Problems, the SSSP journal one of the four lead journals in the discipline. Starting fall 2020, I will serve as a member of the Purdue University Press Editorial Board.


I have served as a member of the Editorial Board of Gender and Society, the premier scholarly sociological journal for gender-related research and I currently serve on the editorial board of Journal of World Systems Research, the official journal of the Political Economy of the World-System Section of the American Sociological Association. My many international activities include my contribution as a member of the International Team of Experts for Poverty Alleviation, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva. 



07/24-             National Institute of Student Success Implementation Steering Committee as executive sponsor                         to the Time to Degree Work Group.

02/24-             Member, Executive Committee to oversee VCU’s application for the Carnegie Engaged             

                       University Reclassification.

10/2023-         Co-chair, Gen AI and Teaching & Learning Faculty Advisory Committee

09/23-             VCU Council on Community Engagement

Spring 2023    Member, Search Committee, Chief Diversity Officer (internal search)

12/22-05/23     Co-chair, Search Committee, Associate Vice Provost Institutional Research and

                        Decision Support (national search)

See CV for details.



At Purdue University

06/21-09/22     University Promotions Committee – Panel A (tenure track/tenured faculty), Purdue University.

​06/21-09/22     University Faculty Compensation and Benefits Committee, Purdue University.

09/20-09/22     Member, Provost's Faculty-Advisory Committee on Diversity & Inclusion (ACDI),

 For additional service details, see my CV. 


My service to the department and university at Purdue University involved routine committee assignments to major time-consuming assignments related to administrative issues at the department, college, and university level. I served as the Director of Graduate Studies on a three-year term which was extended by an additional year. I have served on several department committees including the head search committee, faculty search committee, graduate committee and fellowship committee. See CV.


As a faculty member at Purdue University, I served on some key committees at the university, college, and department levels that involved diverse faculty, across ranks and disciplines, and provided me exposure to a variety of university units. I served on search committees at the university, college, and department levels: Director of Purdue Policy Research Institute, Discovery Park; College of Liberal Arts Cluster Hire in Quantitative Methods; Sociology head search. I also served as an appointed member of the Anthropology primary committee (2017-18) and as a member of Purdue’s Social Sciences Regulatory Board for Use of Human Subjects (2017-19).


I was a member as well as chair of the Purdue's Liberal Arts College’s Diversity Action Committee (DAC), an advisory committee to the Dean of the College. As my research has a global focus, between 2012 and 2014, I served on Purdue's Global Policy Research Institute’s steering committee. As much of my research focuses on India, I was also active in Purdue’s India interest group ( in the Office of the EVPR.


I was active in the local community as well. Besides giving talks about my ongoing gender related research locally, such as at the Unitarian-Universalist Forum and the Lafayette Public library (West Lafayette, IN) among others, I have also written in newsletters such as that of the West Lafayatte's Indian Women’s Association. In 2014, I worked with the Indian Women’s Association to establish a graduate student research award. This award of $1,000 supports research, analysis, and scholarship on issues of concern to women across the world. The award which was initially intended for graduate students in the College of Liberal Arts has been expanded to cover Purdue's College of Education and the College of Health and Human Sciences. I have also served as the faculty adviser for several Purdue student organizations.


Among my numerous awards and honors is the Woman of Distinction award in the 2017 Salute to Women Honorees recognized by YWCA, Greater Lafayette area, IN for my work in the community (local and global) and I was featured in the local television WLFI 18 channel.


I was quoted extensively about leadership in the newspaper, DNA Money (Mumbai, India) in my capacity as the Director of the Butler Center. In addition, I have been featured as a gender expert in the book, Our Social World by Jeanne Ballantine, Keith Roberts, and Kathleen Odell Korgen. CA: Sage Publications, Inc. (2019).


At Purdue, my research has been covered under Building Bridges Across Gender, Race, Caste and Class in the university’s 2017-18 annual research report (, in Dimensions of Discovery (September-October 2018) as part of Purdue 150 years-Giant Leaps for Health, and the faculty of focus of the India Interest Group (


I was interviewed by the BBC World News TV on my thoughts on gender equality, specifically relating to the case of women’s rights to visit the Sabiramala temple in Kerala (

© 2024, Last updated July 27, 2024

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